Bootcamp 02

Go to: Dart --> It's time to become bilingual :-)
You will learn The Dart Programming Language. Dart is the coding language used by Flutter, the framework we will use to make cross-platform apps.
Your knowledge of Go will make learning Dart a breeze :-)

We will start with the official version of Dart's "Hello World!" program:

void main() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    print('hello ${i + 1}');

hello 1
hello 2
hello 3
hello 4
hello 5
hello 6
hello 7
hello 8
hello 9
hello 10
Switching from Go to Dart involves learning a new set of keywords. Dart has more keywords, and the syntax is different, but it is very similar to Go.

We follow the same lesson plan for learning Dart as for Go but add Dart's extra features as necessary.

The section culminates in building the same command-line app you made using Go; you will make a reverse-polish-notation calculator.

You can now compare the code for your calculator in Go and Dart side by side :-)