Tools and Setup

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Our tools run on Linux, macOS, and Windows computers. When you create an app, it should run on the web and most modern mobile devices; however, you will need access to a macOS computer to set it up to run on an Apple device.
We use Figma as our design tool; you can get a free account here.
We use Mathematica to create visualizations and demonstrate concepts; you can get a free Wolfram Cloud account here.
There are several excellent integrated development environments out there. You can use your favourite one, but it will be easier to follow along with us if you use Visual Studio Code; you can download it here.
VS Code has a built-in source control manager; to use it, get an account on GitHub here.
You can often install a coding language on your computer by adding the VS Code extension for it. In the following, we show you how to install Dart, Flutter, and Go on your computer.
The easiest way to install Dart and Flutter on your computer is to add the VS Code extension for Flutter. To do this, click the extensions button in the left sidebar of VS Code, type "Flutter" in the search field, and install the extension from <>. After following all the prompts, you can code with Dart and Flutter.
If you are not ready to install Dart and Flutter, you can write and run Dart code immediately in a playground here.
Installing Xcode and Android Studio is the easiest way to ensure you have everything needed to create cross-platform apps.
Note: Xcode is only available on macOS.
The Go Programming Language is modern and minimal; for this reason, we introduce you to coding with Go.
Grab a copy of Go here and run the installer. Add the official Go extension to VS Code. To do this, click the extensions button in the left sidebar of VS Code, type "Go" in the search field, and install the extension from the <Go team at Google>.
If you are not ready to install Go, you can write and run Go code immediately in a playground here.
In VS Code, create a file called "hello.go" containing the following code:
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello World!")
You need the console bottom panel below your code. If you don't see it, click the Toggle Panel Button, one of the buttons at the top right of the VS Code window, or drag the bar at the bottom of the screen upwards. Choose the "Terminal" tab and click the + button to choose the type of shell you want to use. It will point to your open root directory. If the Go code you want to run is not in this directory, you must change the path to the enclosing one. Compile and run your code by typing "go run hello.go". If all is well, you should see "Hello World!"
Each time you change your code, save and rerun. If you choose a bash shell – git bash on Windows – the up and down arrows give you quick access to your recent commands. The clear command gives you a fresh screen; the pwd command prints your current working directory; the ls -l command lists the files and folders in your current directory; the cd "path-to-new-directory" command allows you to change your directory. A few shortcuts: The tab button helps autocomplete a partial entry; cd .. goes back a directory, and cd ../.. goes back two; type cd followed by a space, and then instead of typing a path, drag a folder from VSCode's file explorer to your terminal shell to set it as your current directory. Finally, if you get a message saying you don't have permission to do a command, try putting sudo before your command; if you have superuser privileges, the shell will prompt you for your password; this does not work on Windows.